
Application and Paper Submission Guidelines


For registration, all candidate teams should fill an application in the SIGIR 2025 Easychair site (Select: SIGIR 2025 LiveRAG Challenge track) indicating in the:

  • Author fields: Each of the participants’ personal information (name, email, affiliation), limited to at most five participants per team
  • Title field: The codename of your team
  • Keywords field: N/A or any keyword that could reflect your RAG approach
  • Bio of author fields: Participants’ biographies (institute, role, relevant publications, etc.). If fewer than 5 participants leave other fields empty of write N/A
  • Application field: A one-page (plus up to one page for references) description of your RAG solution, focusing on the novel parts of your solution, challenges, and case studies you intend to explore. As we provide free access to several tools (Pinecone / Opensearch search indices, DataMorgana), please indicate whether you intend to use these tools (you can change your plans afterward).

Participants will be selected for the challenge by the Organization team. Particular consideration will be given to proposals that are novel and mature, and to academic teams.

Acceptance notifications will be sent to all candidates by March 12, 2025

Paper Submission

  • All accepted participants should submit a short paper describing their work. Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF according to the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use sigconf proceedings template for LaTeX and the Interim Template for Word). For LaTeX use \documentclass[sigconf,anonymous,review]{acmart}.
  • Submissions should not exceed four pages including any diagrams or tables, plus up to two additional pages for references and discussion of ethical considerations. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions must be self-contained and in English.
  • All short paper submissions should be made through SIGIR 2025 Easychair site (Select: SIGIR 2025 LiveRAG Challenge track), a new upload file option will open up by Mar 12, 2025.
  • All papers will be peer-reviewed (single-blind) by the LiveRAG program committee and judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion.
  • All accepted papers will have a poster presentation with a few selected for spotlight talks. Accepted papers may be uploaded to arXiv.org, allowing submission elsewhere as they will be considered non-archival. The workshop website will maintain a link to the arXiv versions of the papers.
  • SIGIR’2025 is an in-person conference. At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register and present the work at the SIGIR’2025 LiveRAG Challenge Workshop.